
A couple of really useful improvements to the Cannibalization report.

  1. Option to ignore URLs with a utm parameters in it. They sneak in to GSC data even with canonicals set up!
  2. A threshold value for URLs to decide if there is a cannibalization issue. This can be set on impressions or clicks.
The threshold value improves the report massively. It reduces the number of false positive queries being reported where there isn't a cannibalization issue to fix.


Export data from Sitemap Monitor

Green/red icons added to the screen that lists SEO tests to better indicate how they are performing.


New Pages report now has Search Console data alongside the URLs. Easy to see how your recently published pages have started performing.

Export button on SEO Group Tests for the individual URL summary results.


When creating an SEO split test, there's now an option to create a Group Test for the test and control group. These groups tests will show how the test and control groups performed separately

Button added to dashboard to export the dashboard data.

Compare Pages and Queries reports, new date selector option of "Last Full Month, Year on Year"

You can now base a Content Group on an XML sitemap file. Urls will be pulled from the XML sitemap file each time the content group updates.

Content Group data is now available via the SEOTesting API

The Rank Tracker in SEOTesting no longer requires a Target URL to be set for each keyword you want to track.


When using the top search area, query search results now redirect to All Queries report. This gives sorting, filtering, and exporting.

Content Group data tables are now ordered descending, so most recent data is at the top

Content Group creators can unsubscribe from alerts

New Report - CTR graph, help pick out under performing queries, and spot which are doing well to potentially replicate meta title and description.

Button within Website Monitor to stop robots.txt from being checked.


Website Monitor is available for all users. This includes Sitemap Monitoring and robots.txt checker.


New Report! Query Opportunities by Sitemap. Get query ideas from your competitors XML sitemaps.


Annotations can now be changed from vertical lines on the graph, to icons along the x-axis. Hover your mouse over the icon for the description.
The setting to change annotation type can be found from Edit Website settings page 'Default Graph Annotation Display Type'.


Tags are now exported as part of the ChangeLog export.


We have added a Share button and Magic Links to lots of places in SEOTesting to make it easier to share tests and reports. Read more about Magic Links here.

The Striking Distance Keywords report now has a URL filter on, so you can bring back SDK's for a specific URL.


We've added a new tool to help you configure your split test groups. It can help you:

  • Create a test and control group based on the URLs contained in a sub-folder
  • Create a test and control group based on a list of URLs
  • Evaluate the URLs in a test and control group for balance
This tool can be found at SEO Tests -> Configure Groups


We have added an Export button to the New Pages report.


We've added an Export button to the End of Month report. Also, Brand and Non-Brand summaries are now shown in the report if you have a brand regex filter setup for the site.


We released a new End of Month report in the report section. An easy way to see Month on Month, and Year on Year views of Search Console data.


All our tables of data now how sticky headers. This will make large tables of data easier to scroll through and understand. [watch video]


Content Groups now have URL and Query detail views, so you can see page and query data behind each month or week [watch video]. You can also compare to previous periods [watch video]


You can now tag your SEO tests. This allows for better grouping and sorting of results. More information in this video.


We have added an Export button to the Content Group details screen to export the data as a csv file.


We've added an action link icon to URLs in our reports, and now also allow you to edit these so you can choose which web app you redirect to passing the query or URL as a parameter. Watch this to learn more.


We've removed the URL column from the All Queries report by default, so it's easier to get query totals for clicks, impressions etc
You can bring this column back by ticking the 'Split By Url' checkbox and reloading the data.

Total/summary panels have been added to All Queries and All Pages for Clicks, Impressions, Avg Pos, and CTR.

More information about both of the above updates in this video.


GA4 event and conversion data can now be reported in time-based SEO tests. There are two videos to watch:

  1. How to setup the integration between your SEOTesting site instance and the GA4 property
  2. How to set up a time-based SEO test and how the GA4 data looks in SEO test results.


Conclusion field added for all test types - access it via the Edit button on the test results screen

You can set the SearchType when adding a site. Web, Image, Video or News.

Content Groups can now be re-ordered in the app

We've extended the length of the brand keywords field to support a longer regex


Cannibalization Report has the added option to ignore brand keywords. These can be set in Website Settings.


SEOTesting now supports the RegEx filter type for single SEO tests.


The queries section on the PageDetails view now has a date picker. The query data brought back was hardcoded to 90 days, but you can now pick the period. A lot of people have asked for this!

On the Brand vs Non-Brand report, there is now a button for 'Brand Queries'. Click this, and we'll take you to All Queries report, filtered with a RegEx based on the brand queries saved in the Brand vs Non-Brand report.


For a Single SEO Test, if it is run on a specific URL, there is now a Compare Queries button on the results page so you can see how and which queries performed for the control and test periods.


We've added an export button onto the Brand vs Non-Brand report so you can export the raw data.


You can now use RegEx (including and excluding) to create a content group.


RegEx filters now added for site setup. You can now filter all site/dashboard/reports using Inc or Exc RegEx filter when adding new sites to SEOTesting.
Improves the usecase where you want to filter out brand traffic for an entire site instance in SEOTesting, or view data only focusing on sub-sections of a domain.


We've released a new Brand vs Non-Brand report. Useful for PR/Digital agencies and in-house SEO teams. Learn more about it here: Brand vs Non-Brand Report


Weekly Content Group labels now display the date it covers, Monday -> Sunday. There was a lot of confusion as to whether the content group was properly up to date when we just displayed the Monday date.


You can now edit the ChatGPT prompts to customize the ideas returned. This is useful if you want them in a different language to English. See it in action here.


More ChatGPT goodness, content suggestions using the ChatGPT API. In most places where we display a query you'll now see a ChatGPT icon next to it. Click on it for content and sub-topic suggestions. Watch our demo video here.


Using ChatGPT, the Top Query Per Page report will make suggestions for new page titles, meta description, and h1 values. Watch our demo video here.


Added an 'Ignore Diacritics' option to Top Query Per Page report. So café and cafe will match if set to Yes when requesting the report.


You can filter the URLs the Top Query Per Page will report on.
You also have the ability to paste in a list of URLs you want to run the report on.
Watch a quick video to learn more about this.

Annotations can now be added to Content Groups


The Top Query Per Page report has been improved. The columns are sortable, you can delete old reports, and the big thing is you can recheck a page for the top query.


The new Content Decay Report is live. You can learn more about it here.


The improved date pickers have been added to the All Pages and All Queries report.


Time-based SEO test graphs are now timeline based so the before and after periods run consecutively. The overlay graphs are still available on another display tab.


The Compare Period reports for pages and queries now have a much improved picker to select the dates to compare.


Export on All Queries will now get all the queries available from GSC based on the time period and filters used.


Added Statistical Significance Data to the Group and URL Switch Test Pages.

You can change the Default Zoom Level for a Website's dashboard - you can default to 1, 3, 6 months, Year to Date, Last Year and All Time.


Graphs - improved component used. Syncs zooming.


Group Tests - we now show individual results for each URL in the group test


Annotations - added the ability to upload via CSV import


If your pages render content via Javascript, we can now request the pages and render that content. This is used in various reports. Turned on by request only, email support@seotesting.com


You can now create Weekly Content Groups. You select at the Content Group creation time whether you want them to update on a weekly or monthly basis.


Keywords Everywhere integration has now been added to the following reports:

  • New Keywords
  • Search Intent Keywords
  • Questions To Answer
  • Striking Distance Keywords


You can now integrate Keywords Everywhere with SEOTesting to show competition, estimated monthly search volume, and competition data for query based reports. More information about it here...


The description field for tests and content groups is now a rich text editor so you can include formatted descriptions and links.


A Ranking Buckets graph is now live for each site's dashboard. This graph shows the daily/weekly/monthly ranking distribution of the top 5,000 queries your site ranks for.


Page and query time based SEO tests can now be imported and created from a CSV upload.

The sites on the Launchpad can now be re-ordered in the Account screen. The sort order is an individual user setting.

When adding a new user to your account, you can now configure which email alerts they will get as part of a second step.


Time-based SEO tests now display 'Site Clicks Per Day' for the control and test periods. Use this value to see whether the test results are down to changes implemented, or an overall site movement.


All Page, All Queries, and the Queries section when looking at an individual URL, now have filtering including support for the RegEx filter type.


Rank Tracking now all sortable, and exportable. Also a copy button so you can copy and paste straight into GSheets or Excel.

Content Groups now display algorithm updates on the graphs.


If you have any kind of SEO test running (time based or split), and the test hasn't finished yet, you can now edit the test and extend out the test period end date. Useful if you want to collect a bit more data for the test period.

The archive of time based seo tests now displays the 'Click Per Day Change' so you can easily find good tests again.


Search Type has been added to time based single SEO tests. This allows you to do image, video and news time based testing.

h2, h3 and paragraph text is now checked for the top queries in the Top Query Per Page report.


You can now upload a bunch of keywords to rank track as opposed to having to create them one by one. Watch a video about it here.


Quietly released the 'Page Actions' functionality. Documentation coming soon...


Google Chrome Extension : Added URL Inspection Functionality.


Google Chrome Extension : Added Approx Word Count and Link Relation Attributes.


You can now run a time based SEO test for a page and query value.


You can now add links to custom reports on the Reports section of SEOTesting.

Urls now have basic validation for split tests, group tests and url switch tests.


When requesting the Content Quality report you can now choose to run it with page data from 90, 180 or 365 days.


Although the 'New Page' alerts have been running for a week or so, here's the announcement to say they are live. You can read more about them here...


Impressions, CTR and Avg Position graphs are now added to Content Groups. Video demo here.

Improvement to the testing graphs so the dates of each point are displayed on the label. Watch how they work here.


We've added a percentage change calculation to the split tests results page. This is based on the Average Click Difference before a change to the test group, to the Average Click Difference after the change.


There's now a second toggle on the graphs to turn off annotations as well as algo updates.


You can now archive multiple time based tests using the checkboxes and 'Archive Selected' button.


From the PageDetails view, you can now click a 'compare periods' button within the pages' queries section. This allows you to compare query results over two time periods, for that specific page. Watch this video to learn more.


The Striking Distance Keywords report now has a position filter, so you can see queries that are position 4-6, or 10+.


From the All Page and All Query reports there are now 'Compare Period' buttons so you can look at the data for urls and queries across two separate time periods.
You can also click on the algorithm updates on the graphs (within the last 16 months) and be taken to comparison reports to quickly diagnose any ups and downs.
Short video here to learn more...


The time it takes to process the Content Quality report has been massively reduced. Where a report use to take a couple of hours, it should now be done in a minute or two. Enjoy!


You can now Archive time based SEO tests (single tests, group tests, and url switch tests). These archived tests are still accessible from the Archive tab.


A quick change to the 'Questions to Answer' report, so you can localise the 'question' filters to whatever language you want for the defaults. Watch this video to see how.


Content Groups can now make use of 'contains' url values.

When searching for urls or queries using the search box at the top of the app, the results now include performance data from GSC.


Url Switch Tests are now live in the SEO Tests sections. These will allow you to SEO test url redirects and topic clusters.


Performance improvements to SEO split tests so they can process tests with much larger numbers of urls in the control and test group.


You can now run SEO Group Tests in SEOTesting.com. These are time based tests for multiple urls or queries. Learn more about them here : SEO Group Tests


LastMod date is now pulled into the Content Quality/Thin Content report if each url contains the value in the sitemap files. You can easily see now when content was last updated.


User access control is now implemented, so you can give specific users access to individual sites added to SEOTesting

Content groups have also been improved so you can add and remove urls from them. If you want to ammend a content group and re-process historical months you can copy and ammend existing groups.


Content Groups can now be deleted. Simply go into and edit a Content Group, and use the delete button.


Content Groups - create a performance report based on a defined group of urls. Learn more about them here : Creating Content Groups based on Search Console data


New report - Checkout the Top Query Per Page report. Here's a quick 2 minute video on what is does and how to use it.


You can now copy SEO tests. Use the copy button when viewing the test result details.


You can now copy SEO split tests. On the results screen there is a copy button that places the existing test settings into the test creation screen.

There's a new setting when creating an SEO tests for 'Send emails when test processed and completed'. If this is checked it will now only send an email to the person who created the test.


You can now zoom in on the graphs on Launchpad, Dashboard, PageDetails and QueryDetails. Just click and drag across the graph for it to zoom.


Page detail and query detail graphs can now be summarised into weekly and monthly totals. Watch this 1 minute video here to learn more.


All SEO tests and annotations are now rolled up and reported on in the Site Changelog which is linked into the main navigation when you are looking at a particular site.

Learn more about how SEO tests, annotations and the Site changelog can be used as a system to track and report on the work done to a site by watching this video.


Site tests are now displayed on all graphs.

Page and Query tests are displayed on the relevant PageDetails and QueryDetails graphs.

You can now also add custom annotations to graphs, for when you want to remember changes made to a site/page/query, but do not want to run a full SEO test.
Checkout the Annotations link in the main left hand navigation when you are looking at an individual site.


As you'll see, confirmed Google algorithm updates are now displayed on graphs. They are displayed on the main launchpad, site dashboard, page and query detail views.

There's a setting at website/user level whether to display these annotations by default, and you can then toggle them on/off each time. The default setting for each site is found in the Account section.

Next up is custom annotations.


New search intent report in the content ideas section of Reports.

Rather than have a separate report for the different types of search intent, there's one report with a drop down to select the types of keywords/queries you want to bring back.

This report is great for affiliate and ad based sites that are creating lots of guides, how-to articles and commercial 'best of' and review posts.


Transactional and Custom search intent groups

Two new groups added to each website for transactional and custom search intent.

The labels in the keyword reports have changed a little bit as well, I think they look much nicer now...

Export queries from the Page Details view

Whenever you click on a url in SEOTesting it takes you to the page details view.

On this view SEOTesting shows you all the queries the url has ranked for over the past 90 days, with how often each query is used on the page.

This data can now be exported to a CSV file to open in Excel or Google Sheets. Great to pass onto your content team.


Informational keyword highlighting

In all the reports that contains queries, we now highlight in yellow any part of the query that indicates it is an informational type query.

By default each site is setup to highlight the keywords 'what,who,when,where,which,why,how' - but these can be edited and added to via the edit screen for each website.

These types of informational queries are great for content expansion on existing pages, or good for new long form content that answer specific questions.

Query details page

The query details page has been improved. Whenever you see a query in a report you can click on it and then see what we call the 'query details view'.

The impressions, ctr and average position charts are hidden initially now, but can easily be viewed by ticking the checkbox.

These are now hidden as below the graphs we display all queries your site has appeared for in the search results that also contain the query you are viewing.

These related queries can be utilized for content expansion, and new content ideas.


It has been quite a few weeks of working on documentation and 'how to' guides.

You can find these all neatly listed via the Support and Docs link in the left hand navigation.

I've also recorded a bunch of 'getting started' videos to accompany each of the support articles. You can watch the entire playlist on YouTube here:

Getting started with SEOTesting.com playlist

I'm looking forward to getting back to some code and new features now! :)


The 'New Keywords' report is now available via the Reports section.

This report is great for coming up with new content ideas. It displays the queries that your site has just started appearing in Google for.
Some of these you will have just published an article directly targetting - but through keyword and topic association (which is always changing/improving), Google will alert you to new content gaps and opportunities.

Target new high impression keywords for more clicks from Google.


The 'Saved Ideas' section has been added which is available via the left menu.

When going through query reports, you'll now find a lightbulb icon.

When you click on this it will save the query to the 'Saved Ideas' section so you can work on them later either as a new piece of content or an improvement to an existing page.


Some handy icons have been added to all the query based reports. These allow you to:

  • Search keyword in Google to see intent. Right click to open incognito.
  • Search keyword in Reddit to get content ideas.
  • Search keyword in Quora to get content ideas.
  • Check keyword in ahrefs.com.

See screenshot below...


Guide to use the Content Quality report and dealing with thin content published. Click here to read...


A number of changes to the Page Details screen:

  • Only the clicks graph is shown by default now. Checkboxes available to display impressions, position, and CTR.
  • Current page title and meta description displayed
  • Keyword usage count is displayed for each query the page appears in the search results for.

The last point is really useful when looking at new keywords, content and sections to include in a page.


This change log page was added - woohoo!


Query data listed on PageDetails report is now sortable.


Export functionality added to cannibalization report. Also exports each relevant url for each query.


Cannibalization report added to reports section.